The Health Benefits of Coffee & How To Make a Dalgona Coffee

The thirst for coffee has been ever increasing over the past years. We drink about 95 million cups of coffee a day in the UK, about 35 million more since 2008, according to the British Coffee Association. There are many varieties of coffee and ways to drink the well-loved drink, some more healthy than others, but there are health benefits of having any cup of coffee.

·         Naturally beneficial:
“The coffee bean is a good thing, a natural thing,” says Ian Marber, a nutrition therapist. “It contains 500 plant components and lots of beneficial antioxidants, and has been the subject of hundreds of scientific studies that encouragingly show it can be beneficial in our diet.”

·         Burns Calories:
Researchers at the University of Nottingham found that coffee helped to fight obesity by stimulating the body’s calorie-burning brown fat stores into action. It was also reported to protect against gallstones in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

·         Improved Exercise Performance:
A study at Coventry University showed that that consuming about a dessert spoon of instant coffee granules dissolved in water 60 minutes before exercise could help people to exercise harder for longer.

·         Low in Calories:
An espresso only contains 5-10 calories. However adding milk does increase the calorie count but milk is a good source of protein and minerals your body also needs. A cappuccino or latte can vary from 80 to 360 calories, depending on the size and milk content. Milk alternatives such as oat or coconut milk can be used instead as they don’t contain so many calories, but you do loose key minerals provided by cow’s milk.

·         Sleep Soundly!
Surprisingly, a cup before bed makes no difference to quality of sleep, according to a study led by Florida Atlantic University.

All in all there’s lots of good reasons to drink coffee!
These benefits are applicable to healthy persons, as caffeine may not suit everybody.

Have you tried a Dalgona Coffee? This is the latest coffee trend and is easy and fun to make at home. All you need is:

·         Instant coffee granules
·         Sugar
·         Water
·         Milk.

Check out our video below to find out how to make it. Enjoy!