The Health Benefits of Coffee & How To Make a Dalgona Coffee

The thirst for coffee has been ever increasing over the past years. We drink about 95 million cups of coffee a day in the UK, about 35 million more since 2008, according to the British Coffee Association. There are many varieties of coffee and ways to drink the well-loved drink, some more healthy than others, but there are health benefits of having any cup of coffee.

·         Naturally beneficial:
“The coffee bean is a good thing, a natural thing,” says Ian Marber, a nutrition therapist. “It contains 500 plant components and lots of beneficial antioxidants, and has been the subject of hundreds of scientific studies that encouragingly show it can be beneficial in our diet.”

·         Burns Calories:
Researchers at the University of Nottingham found that coffee helped to fight obesity by stimulating the body’s calorie-burning brown fat stores into action. It was also reported to protect against gallstones in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

·         Improved Exercise Performance:
A study at Coventry University showed that that consuming about a dessert spoon of instant coffee granules dissolved in water 60 minutes before exercise could help people to exercise harder for longer.

·         Low in Calories:
An espresso only contains 5-10 calories. However adding milk does increase the calorie count but milk is a good source of protein and minerals your body also needs. A cappuccino or latte can vary from 80 to 360 calories, depending on the size and milk content. Milk alternatives such as oat or coconut milk can be used instead as they don’t contain so many calories, but you do loose key minerals provided by cow’s milk.

·         Sleep Soundly!
Surprisingly, a cup before bed makes no difference to quality of sleep, according to a study led by Florida Atlantic University.

All in all there’s lots of good reasons to drink coffee!
These benefits are applicable to healthy persons, as caffeine may not suit everybody.

Have you tried a Dalgona Coffee? This is the latest coffee trend and is easy and fun to make at home. All you need is:

·         Instant coffee granules
·         Sugar
·         Water
·         Milk.

Check out our video below to find out how to make it. Enjoy!

3 Reasons to #FollowTheFrog This September with Rainforest Alliance

From fighting deforestation and climate change to building economic opportunities and better working conditions for rural people, the Rainforest Alliance is working to solve urgent environmental and social challenges.
In a campaign to help make a better planet RFA have launched #FollowTheFrog which runs from 22nd-28th September. Why should your company #FollowTheFrog this September?

  1. Consumer demand
    ‘92% of global consumers expect companies to do more than make a profit’. Consumers want to see companies with strong ethical values, showing they care for people and planet. By getting involved in #FollowTheFrog you can promote not just your quality RFA Certified products but show your company’s values and how you care, which is what consumers are looking for.

  2. Staff engage with it
    Employees also like to see that their company cares and by joining the campaign it will encourage them to get involved. Employees will promote their company more and especially products with RFA Certification, influencing consumers in the #FollowTheFrog Campaign. They can help through social media, promotions and other means to promote the company’s sustainability along with #FollowTheFrog.

  3. Create a better planet
    Supporting RFA helps to create a better planet, as they look to solve environmental challenges. Consumers are now very conscious with choices and are likely to make choices that they know will benefit the planet. This is because they feel they have a responsibility to care for the place they live in.

Nutshell are proud partners with Rainforest Alliance and we have recently committed to only using RFA Certified Pepper in all our pepper portions. We are excited to make this change as we feel it will make a difference by helping our planet as well as providing you with a premium quality product.

View our range of pepper sachets, or even consider creating your own personalised pepper sachets.

Why should you choose Fairtrade?

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Fairtrade is about helping farmers and workers in developing countries receive fair trade terms, so they can afford to live their lives sustainably. There are more than 1.66 million farmers and workers in Fairtrade Certified producer organisations, of which there are 1,411 organisations across 73 countries.

When you choose Fairtrade you help the farmers to have;

1.       Better Prices
Farmers in developing countries receive better prices for the raw materials and products they sell when you purchase Fairtrade products, making their work more sustainable as they receive the needed income to farm and live.

2.       Decent Working Conditions

Farmers and workers can work in safe and acceptable working conditions, with no slavery or child labour used.

3.       Local Sustainability

Makes the local economy better with farmers taking control of their own businesses and the profits staying in the local community. Workers on Fairtrade certified plantations invested 33% of their Fairtrade Premium in housing improvements in 2016.

4.       Equality

Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives.

As a result = Sustainable Quality Products

Fairtrade products are higher quality and have a great taste as they are often from smaller farms where farmers take pride in their work and pay closer attention to detail, making sure the product is the best they can produce. Also with a fair price they can invest more into their farm to develop their processes and products, small producer organisations spend 48% of their Fairtrade premium in services for farmers, like provision of agricultural tools or farmer training.

It’s all about Fair-trade! Remember Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 25th February to 10th March, kick-start your campaign now!

Visit our Fairtrade products page!

For More Information, please visit

UK Coffee Week

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UK Coffee Week is a nationwide celebration of coffee that unites the industry and raises funds for the communities that grow our coffee. UK Coffee Week supports Project Waterfall, an initiative dedicated to bringing clean water facilities to coffee growing communities. 
Cafe Bronte proudly supports UK Coffee Week

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*Offer is applicable to all orders delivered & Invoiced by 30th April. Please Claim using offer code UKCW2018 to ensure you get this 10% discount on your order!

View our Coffee & Beverages page to view our range of coffee....stock up for UK Coffee Week!